When your tutor sets you to writing essay as a homework assignment, it may feel like the end of the world. You probably think: “How can I possibly write an entire essay in just one night?” The first thing to remember is that this is just another challenge that you can overcome with preparation and perseverance. There are many different types of essay questions but essentially they all have the same criteria – analyze, evaluate and construct an argument.
It doesn’t matter if you’re asked to write about something current or explore a historical topic; it will always boil down to those three things. This article will teach you how to approach any type of essay question so that the next time you get one as a homework assignment, you won’t be left feeling scared and alone.
Step 1: Read the Question Carefully and Restate It in Your Own Words
The first step to tackling any essay question is to read it thoroughly and then restate it in your own words so that you understand what you’re being asked to do. This means that you need to study the essay prompt and make sure that you understand what the question is asking you to do. If the question is something like “Discuss the impact of social media on our daily lives,” then restating it in your own words might look something like this: “I need to examine the positive and negative effects that social media has on our everyday lives and argue which outweighs the other.”
Step 2: Brainstorm and Write Down Everything That Comes to Mind
Essay questions are designed to make you think, but not in the same way that a research question does. When you’re asked to “discuss,” “examine,” or “analyze” a topic, you’ll have to be creative and use your imagination rather than being scientific or analytical. For this reason, before you try to organize your thoughts, you should write down everything that comes to mind.
What are the positive and negative aspects of your topic? What are the top 3 reasons why people choose to do this? What are the top reasons why people choose to do that? What are the best examples of this? What are the best examples of that?
Step 3: Select the Info You’ll Use for Your Analysis
After you’ve written down everything that comes to mind, you need to select the information that you’ll use for your analysis. This is where you need to get creative and focus on how you can use the information creatively in your essay. You’ll want to divide this information into two categories: examples and reasons. Your examples are the pieces of supporting evidence that you’ll use to support your central argument.
If you’re examining the topic of the impact of social media on our daily lives, then you could use examples such as the fact that it makes us more lonely or creates feelings of envy. Your reasons are the points that you’ll use to support your examples. If you’re analyzing the topic of the aforementioned loneliness, then you could use reasons such as the fact that people are now less likely to interact with each other in real life or that we’re more likely to compare ourselves to others on social media.
Step 4: Build Your Argument
Once you’ve selected the information that you’ll use for your analysis, you’re ready to build your argument. The first thing to remember is that you’re not trying to prove anything; you’re simply trying to explain how two different things can be related.
You can start by saying something like “There is a clear relationship between X and Y” and then you can go on to explain how they’re related using examples and reasons that you selected in the previous steps. Once you’ve finished building your argument, you can go back and add a few sentences to the beginning so that you can clarify what you’re trying to say.
Step 5: Organise Your Thoughts and Develop Your Thesis
The last thing that you should do before you start writing your rough draft is to organize your thoughts and develop your thesis. The thesis is the main idea that you want to get across in your essay and it should be in sentence form so that your reader knows exactly what you’re trying to say. You can use your selected examples and reasons to develop your thesis so that you have a clear understanding of what you’re trying to say. Once you’ve done this, you can start to write your rough draft so that you can get the essay finished in time.
Step 6: Write a Rough Draft
The moment that you’ve been waiting for has finally arrived. Now it’s time to write your rough draft. There are a few things you should keep in mind when you’re writing your rough draft:
– You don’t have to write a perfect essay, you just have to get your thoughts out.
– If you’re feeling stressed, take a break.
– Don’t try to write the essay word-for-word; just write whatever comes to mind.
– If you can, try to write your essay in one sitting so that you don’t have time to overthink it.
– If you do break up the essay into multiple sittings, make sure that you review what you’ve written each time so that you don’t forget anything.
– If you get stuck, take a break and then come back to it when you’re feeling refreshed.
– Don’t worry about making mistakes; everyone makes them, including the best authors in the world.
Step 7: Revise and Edit for Language Use and Vocabulary
Before you hand in your essay, you should check for basic language errors and edit for vocabulary and sentence structure. Make sure that you’re writing in the correct tense and that you’re not mixing tenses or grammar rules. Check your spelling and make sure that you’ve used the correct words in your sentences. When you’re writing an essay, you may want to avoid using long, complicated words.
This is because if you use too many complicated words, your reader will get lost and find your essay difficult to understand. A good rule of thumb is to write at an eighth-grade reading level so that you can be sure that everyone will be able to understand what you’re trying to say.
Step 8: Check Your Vocab With Vocab Mastery
After you’ve checked your basic language errors and edited for vocabulary and sentence structure, you should use a vocabulary-building tool such as Vocab Mastery. This will help you to expand your vocabulary and ensure that you’re not over-reliant on the same few words. Vocab Mastery is designed to help you overcome this problem.
It’s a tool that you can use whenever you have a few minutes spare. You can either read the articles on the website or play one of the games to increase your vocabulary and make sure that your essay is as effective as possible. You can also use Vocab Mastery as a vocabulary builder for your essay when you’ve finished writing it.
Step 9: Check Grammar With English Mastery’s Grammar Tool
After you’ve checked your grammar, you should use a grammar-checking tool such as English Mastery’s grammar tool. This grammar tool will help you to identify and correct common grammar mistakes such as grammatical errors, tense mistakes, word choice mistakes, spelling mistakes, and more. If you don’t know how to correctly use grammar terms such as “who,” “who,” “whom,” “whose,” “whether,” “as,” “like,” “this,” “that,” “these,” “those,” “one,” “two,” “few,” “many,” “fewer,”.
Step 10: Check Your Writing Style With English Mastery’s Essay Checker
After you’ve checked your grammar, you should use a writing style checker such as English Mastery’s essay checker. This will allow you to review your content and make sure that it flows well and makes sense. An easy way to make sure that you are using a good writing style is to read your essay out loud. If it sounds good, then it is good!
This writing style tool will help you to identify and correct common errors and phrases such as passive voice, run-on sentences, passive voice in essays, lack of transition words, and more. You can also use this tool to write a perfect essay by using it to identifying grammatical mistakes and then correcting them.
Step 11: Check Your Punctuation With English Mastery’s Punctuation Tool
After you’ve checked your writing style with the English Mastery’s essay checker, you should use a punctuation checker such as English Mastery’s punctuation tool. This punctuation tool will help you to identify and correct common punctuation mistakes such as capitalization mistakes (American vs British), comma splices (a/an/the), apostrophes (i) (not i), quotation marks (single vs double), and more.
You can also use this tool to write an effective essay by identifying the correct punctuation for each sentence in the paragraph so that all of the ideas are clear. The final step is checking your grammar again with a grammar-checking tool like English Mastery’s grammar tool or another similar one. If any mistakes remain after checking your essay with these tools, then it
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