When you take on the challenge of studying in the United States, one of the most challenging aspects for an international student is fitting in. You will find that most American students will have a different lifestyle than what you are used to back home. This doesn’t mean they are better or worse; it just means they lead slightly different lives. You may be asking yourself how you can fit in with your new American friends, classmates, and teachers? How do international students make friends?
What kind of things do Americans like to do outside of school? This article goes over some of the key elements you need to know about how to fit into the American Lifestyle. Depending on where you’re from and what your interests are there may be some things that feel uncomfortable or strange at first. However, with time and effort, fitting into this new environment should come naturally.
Come to Classes and Events on Time
One of the most obvious ways to fit in is to come to classes and events on time. This means showing up to class no more than 10 minutes late. If you are a Computer Science or Engineering major, you can excuse yourself for being a little late occasionally due to the large workload. However, most majors will require you to attend every class. Another way to fit in is to come to special events on time.
As an international student, if your university hosts any events, such as a welcome week, you will most likely be expected to attend. This will give you the chance to meet your fellow classmates and help you integrate into the social scene. Finally, you can fit in by showing up early to events. If you are invited to a party, club, or another social event, showing up to early allows you to socialize and get to know the other guests.
Join a Club or Team to learn new lifestyle
Another common way to fit in as an international student is to join a club or team. This allows you to meet others who share your interests and can help you feel more integrated into the school. Joining a club can help you fit in by giving you common interests and topics to talk about with other students. If you are on a sports team, you will be able to meet new people who will become your teammates and friends.
If you are interested in something that may not be offered at your school, you might want to consider starting a club. This will allow you to meet others who share your interests. If you have a particular hobby that you enjoy, you may be able to find a club at your school that allows you to share your love of your hobby with others who have the same interest.
Hang Out with other international students outside of School
Another way to fit in as an international student is to hang out with your classmates outside of school. This can make it easier to develop friendships with your peers as you have a common ground and topics you can talk about. You may be able to join a sport or club that all of your classmates are a part of. This can help you build friendships with your peers and make it easier to talk to them outside of school.
If there are any restaurants or bars that your classmates like to go to, you may want to consider joining them. This allows you to socialize with your peers outside of school and can help you feel more integrated into the social scene of your school.
Learn some Vocabulary Words
Another way to fit in is to learn some vocabulary words. Understanding the basic vocabulary used in everyday speech can make it easier for you to communicate with your peers. If you are in a major that requires a lot of reading and writing, you may want to learn some vocabulary words that are commonly used in your field.
This will make it easier for an international student to understand your readings and communicate with your professors. If you are majoring in something that requires less reading and writing, you may want to learn some basic vocabulary related to your interests or hobbies. This can make it easier to talk to your classmates about what you are interested and make it less likely that you will be seen as an outsider.
Try New Food
Another way to fit in as an international student is to try new food. Your university will likely have a variety of restaurants that serve different types of food. If you are invited to a meal with your classmates, you may want to try a new dish. Eating at places that offer a variety of foods will allow you to try new things and make it less likely that you will stick to the staples of your home country.
If you decide to try a new food, it is important to try to avoid judging the way it is prepared. It is also a good idea to consult a friend or classmate to find out if the food is safe to eat.
There are many ways to fit in as an international student. You can come to classes and events on time, join a club or team, hang out with your classmates outside of school, and learn some vocabulary words. You can also try new food and join in on American activities.
Whatever you do, remember that it takes time to fit in and make friends with your peers. Be friendly, open to new experiences, and willing to take risks. You will find that with time you will fit in and be able to make friends with your American peers.
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