When you’re writing a research paper on sociology, there are some things you just need to get right from the start. The Introduction of your sociology research paper is one of those things because it sets the tone for everything that follows. If you start with an uninteresting introduction, it’s unlikely that your reader will continue reading and finish the rest of the paper. Each part of your research project is essential, so get started on your introduction with these helpful tips.
The introduction of your sociology research paper is much more than a simple beginning to your document. It should be a concise summary of what you plan to discuss in the body of your essay as well as a brief but intriguing explanation of why we should care about this topic at all. The first few sentences will determine if your readers continue reading or not — so take some time out to read through these helpful tips and tricks now!
Keep it short and sweet
The introduction to your sociology paper should be no longer than a few paragraphs — around 4 to 6 sentences or fewer. This is because you want to keep your reader’s attention and not bore them to death before you even get to the good stuff. A long and drawn-out introduction not only puts off many readers but also has the potential to confuse them. A concise introduction will encourage readers to continue reading and will ensure that they understand the topic and key points you’re trying to make.
How to Create a Cogent Introduction for a Research Paper
Keep it interesting
Structure your introduction in a way that makes your reader want to keep reading. Use descriptive words and vivid descriptions to keep the reader interested — this will ensure that they will want to read on. Avoid using long sentences and overly complicated words, as this can make the introduction difficult for the reader to understand.
Be concise
This is another important tip: try to keep your introduction as short as possible! This is because you don’t want to write an essay that goes on for pages and pages — most readers are only going to read a few paragraphs at a time before giving up. Keep it short, sweet, and interesting so the readers won’t have any excuses not to continue reading!
Introduce who, what, where, when, why, and how clearly
For your readers to understand what you’re trying to say in your introduction to sociology paper, be sure that you include all of these important details. Who were the people involved? What were they doing? Where did this happen? When did it happen? Why did this happen? And how did this influence society at large? Remember: clear introductions will help your audience understand exactly what you’re trying to say!
Be specific
You can avoid this type of error by being very specific, and not generalizing your information. For example, you could write something like: “Women were excluded from the voting process and did not have the right to vote in all cases until 1920” (Marshall 12). This would be a very clear, concise sentence that people would be able to understand.
You can also avoid this error by being specific about the period that you’re writing about. For example, if you’re writing about women’s suffrage in the United States, try to make sure that you include when it took place: “It was only for white women who owned property; black women were completely excluded from voting until 1920” (Marshall 12). Be sure that you include as many details as possible so your readers will be able to understand exactly what you mean!
Avoid using passive voice
Passive voice is when the subject of a sentence is put into a form where they are not controlling or performing an action. For example: “The students listened attentively as their professor explained the material being discussed” (Marshall 48). This sentence uses passive voice because it does not say who is doing what but instead says that something happened to someone else. Passive voice is often used when referring to people or events to show deference or respect for them — however, it should never be used when referring to objects, animals, or concepts. Always
Hook your readers from the start
A common mistake that many beginning writers make is to start with a very dull, uninteresting introduction that is purely factual. While it may be true, it’s not interesting to read and doesn’t hook readers at all. You want to engage your readers right from the start and make them want to continue reading. One way to do this is to draw on a personal anecdote related to the topic.
If you’re writing about something that has affected you personally, such as discrimination or a gender inequality issue, you can use your own experiences as a starting point for your introduction. Another way to hook your readers is to ask a rhetorical question that relates to the topic. This is a great way to get your readers thinking while also drawing them into your introduction.
Explain the importance of your topic
You don’t have to have a life-changing discovery to write an interesting introduction to your paper — you just need to explain why your topic is important. This is something you’ll likely do within the first few sentences of your introduction, but it’s important not to get too wordy with your explanation. Keep it concise and to the point, and make sure you’re answering any questions your readers might have.
You want to get across the significance of your topic without being overly wordy or technical. For example, if you’re writing about gender inequalities in the workplace, you could start by explaining how this is a topic that many people are passionate about and that needs to be discussed and brought to light.
Summarize the main points you will discuss
Another thing that you should do in your introduction is to summarize the main points you will discuss in the body of your paper. Make sure you write these points down and order them so that they flow logically from one to the next. Doing this will not only organize your paper for you but will also help you to remember the order of the points you are making.
In the final paragraph of your introduction, you should tell readers what the paper is about and why it is important. The last sentence of your introduction should be a call to action, meaning it should make it clear what the reader should do after reading the paper. Not only does this serve as a reminder to you as the writer, but it gives your readers a sneak peek of what’s to come. Make sure that you don’t try to summarize everything that you plan to discuss, however — just the main points.
This will give your readers a general overview of your paper and will also let you know what points you need to expand on further in the body of your paper.
Don’t just rehash your thesis statement!
While your introduction should summarize the main points you will discuss in the body of your paper, it should not rehash your thesis statement — no matter how tempting it is to just copy and paste that into your introduction. Your introduction is a separate entity from your thesis statement, and you should treat it as such.
While your thesis statement may include a brief overview of the topic you’re covering, your introduction should be a different beast altogether. This is because your introduction needs to grab your reader’s attention and get them interested in the topic. Your thesis statement is intended to summarize the topic and let your reader know what you’re trying to prove or discuss.
Consider ethical concerns
If you’re writing a paper that touches on any controversial topics, you need to consider ethical concerns right from the start. Your introduction is the perfect place to let your readers know that you acknowledge the ethical issues surrounding your topic and that you’re aware that there is more than one side to every story.
You don’t need to go into too much detail about the ethical issues here in your introduction — just make sure that you let your readers know that you’re aware of them and that you intend to discuss both sides of the story fairly and with respect.
Wrapping up
Finally, you should end your introduction on a strong note. This means that you should end on a high note with a strong, relevant sentence that hooks readers in and draws them toward your topic. You can do this in several ways, but you should end on a note that makes your readers want to keep reading and learn more about the topic you’ve chosen to discuss.
This is the last chance you have to reel in your readers and get them hooked on your topic — so make the most of it! Once you’ve written your introduction, you’re well on your way to writing a fantastic sociology paper. Keep these tips in mind, and you can’t go wrong. From word choice to sentence structure, every part of your paper should be well-written and interesting, and your introduction is the perfect place to start!
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